书单 | 钢铁侠伊隆马斯克最喜欢的书籍


中国人民羡慕好莱坞的想象力,羡慕硅谷科技大佬们的想象与实践力。我想,中国之所以会掀起一阵风的Elon Musk热潮,很重要的原因是,他做的不论是SpaceX、特斯拉还是提倡的Hyper Loop,都做了我们国人仅仅在《少年儿童百科全书》的“未解之谜”之类的版块中才敢畅想的事情,而且还至少做出来了原型。






所以,非常善于利用四象限方法来理解问题的Peter Thiel(PayPal的创始人),把中国、美国、欧洲和日本如此的放到了四象限中:


好了扯远了。文章的标题是Elon Musk最喜欢的科幻类书籍。我想,之所以中国人的想象力都发挥在了仙侠剧中,想是没有完整经历工业革命的中国在当下面对未来的时候,依旧缺乏在科学的角度上思考未来。这也是为什么《科幻世界》主编姚海军一直在倡导着对科幻的重视。而《三体》的火爆应该是顺应了这种趋势。



终于进入正题,这也是在网上找到的Elon Musk喜欢读的书单(包括科幻、传记、其他类型)以及他的原话。

  1. “Structures: Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down” by J.E. Gordon 

There's a good book on structural design called Structures: Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down. It is really, really good if you want a primer on structural design.

  1. “Benjamin Franklin: An American Life” by Walter Isaacson 

“I like biographies. I think they are really helpful. I like Franklin’s biography by Isaaksson, it’s really good. He was an entrepreneur, he started of nothing, just like a runaway kid. It was interesting to see how he is creating his business, then go to science and politics. I could say he is one of the people I most admire. Franklin is pretty awesome. He did what needed to be done at the time it needed to be done.”

  1. “Howard Hughes: His Life and Madness” by Donald L. Barlett 

“May be a cautionary tale, he is sort of an interesting fella.”

  1. “Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age” by B. Carlson 

“I also like biographies of scientists. Obviously, about Tesla, absolutely great person.”。

  1. “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams 

Musk names Douglas Adams as one of the great modern philosophers. “Douglas Adams is awesome,” he says. One of the biggest takeaways Musk got from reading Adams was, “The question is harder than the answer.” “When we ask questions they come along with our biases. You should really ask, ‘Is this the right question?’ And that’s hard to figure out,” says Musk.

  1. “Lord of the Rings” series by J. R. R. Tolkien 

Musk names this book among his favorite ones during his teen-years in South Africa.

  1. “The Foundation Series” by Isaac Asimov 

In therms of sci-fi books, I think Isaac Asimov is really great. I like the Foundation series, probably one of the all-time best.

  1. “The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress” by Robert Heinlein 

Musk recommends this book as one of his favorite sci-fi books during his interview with Design&Architecture show host Frances Anderton. “…Robert Heinlein, obviously. I like The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress”, Musk says.

  1. “Stranger in a Strange Land” by Robert Heinlein 

Musk recommends this book as one of his favorite sci-fi books during his interview with Design&Architecture show host Frances Anderton. “I like Stranger in a Strange Land, although it kind of goes off the rails at the end”, Musk says.

  1. “Ignition!: An informal history of liquid rocket propellants” by John D Clark 

There is a good book on rocket stuff called Ignition! by John Clark, that’s a really fun one.” – Elon Musk
